The 2023 Kids Awesome Biz Fair application is open!
Last time, the 45 kids’ booths boasted a variety of handmade products such as: jewelry, ropes, glassware, pottery, plants, sweets, toys, books, lotions, cleaning products, jam, bread, popcorn, household organizers, games, dog treats, and survival gear. Prices of items ranged from fifty cents to more than twenty-five dollars. There were also some service-based businesses that didn’t sell products, but rather booked services: lawn/garden, babysitting, dog-walking, etc. We can’t wait to see what this year will bring!
To participate in the fair, we ask each young entrepreneur to submit an application and pay a small booth fee. The form can be completed online through the application page and the money needs to be postal-mailed (address is in the application).
This year, we’ll do like we did last time:
- Booths will be secured as registrations are received. For the first five days after registration opens, preference will be given to the children who participated in the Entrepreneur Education Day (held January 20, 2023). After that, any home-educated child who submits an accepted application will be considered for a booth until the booth spaces are filled.
- We can only accept 2 of the same type of business. So, for example, once there are two lemonade companies who have registered and been accepted, we can’t take any more lemonade companies.
- If 3 types of the same business fill out applications on the same day, we will choose which 2 are entered in the fair based on the description of the business and how completely he/she answered the 5 questions suggested on the form. So be sure to include as much description as you can!
- If children of different age groups prepare a booth together, they will be scored in the age group of the oldest participant.
- Children working as a group may submit one application with all children’s info. There is no limit on the number of children per booth, but each child still needs to pay a participation fee.
- Electricity is not generally provided. There are 3 tables that can be hooked up to power if necessary…please note this on your registration form. It will be awarded to the first 3 accepted applicants.
- Table linens are also not provided.
- Children will be scored on their business idea, their presentation of themselves and their product/service, and their business potential. Cash awards will be given based on those criteria.
- All entry fees and sponsorship monies go toward the event and back to the children. There is no profit being made by the organizers.
- Details about application deadlines and notice of acceptance are in the application.