Judge Evaluation The Kids Awesome Business Fair organizers prepared me to be a judge: Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Is there anything we could have done to better prepare you to be a judge?The event: Exceeded my expectations Met my expectations Didn't meet my expectations Please tell us why the event did not meet your expecations:I would be glad to judge booths at a future Kids Awesome Business Fair: Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Please leave your name so we can follow-up with you for future fairs: I had enough time to review each booth... Yes, all the time. Yes, most of the time. No, not very often. No, not at all. Were there questions or themes that you think would have been helpful to assess but that were missing from the scoring sheet? Yes No What questions or themes do you think might have been helpful to add to the scoring sheet?Is there any other way we could improve the scoring sheet?Would it have been helpful to review the business owner's fair application (where they outlined their business in words) before the night of the fair? Yes, it would have changed how I scored some booths. Yes, it would have been nice but wouldn't have changed anything. No, it wouldn't have been helpful and wouldn't have changed anything. Based on some of the early feedback we've received from the business owners, they would like more written feedback. If you had had more time to score each booth, would you have added more written comments/feedback? Yes, definitely Maybe No, definitely not Any other comments on what we could improve and/or what you loved?CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.